Rainbow Winks, the highly successful childrens cartoon series created by Italian graphic designer and film director, Iginio Straffi, plans to open a fantasy fairyland park at Moscow, along the lines of the one constructed at Valmontone, near Rome. The Valmontone Magicland covers 6000,000 sqm and is Italys second most visited amusement park.

The Italian Winx fairies are well known in Russia. The series runs on CTC TV channel and the Winx Club counts a membership of around 2.5 million viewers between 4 and 12 years of age.  Next frontier for Rainbow Magicland may well be China, where the TV series has also proved popular.

The Winx fairies appear in 150 countries and are proving to be global market money-spinners, with a booming merchandise sector.  In 2012 Benetton sold 2000,000 clothing items dedicated to the six cartoon fairies, while Sisley created an adult range.


Posted on 21 May 2013 by Editor
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