Expo 2015 - Wikipedia


The Green Island project of Alveari Urbani  (Urban Bee-hives), to be held shortly before the opening of the Milan World Espositon 2015, EXPO Milan, attracted accolades as one of the most interesting proposals comb ining design and ecology that will feature in the EXPO IN THE CITY event. between the 13-15 April 2015.

The project, curated by art critic Claudia Zanfi, invited international designers and artists to submit their ideas for novel beehive creations, the prototypes of which will be exhibited in various parks around the city throughout the six-months of EXPO. The three days of the event will be dedicated to examining the problem of the alarming decrease in the bee population with the object of promoting suitable ambience where bees can thrive in an urban context. The project is in collaboration with the Italian National Consortium of Beekeepers and is part of an EEC environmental research programme with the University of Middlesex (UK).

It will be stressed that two thirds of the 100 main food crops in the world depend on bee impollination in order to survive.


Info: www.amaze.it  www.expo2015.it  www.mdxsu.com



Posted on 10 Apr 2015 by Editor
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