Risultati immagini per abbadia san salvatore inverno


The traditional torchlit Christmas celebrations at the winter ski resort of Abbadia San Salvatore on the slopes of Monte Amiato (Tuscany) start off early this year. The 4th December 2015, the feast of the patron saint, St. Barbara, protectress of miners, will be marked by the inauguration of the new Multimedial Museum to complement the town's Mineral Park Museum, located partially in the former Monte Amiata cinnabar mercury mine.

During the 5th - 8th December, the traditional lamp lighting ceremony takes place, along with the start of the construction of the fiaccole a huge bonfire which will be set alight on Christmas Eve, according to a tradition passed down through generations.

During all weekends throughout December, the town offers constant entertainment for families, with Christmas markets, artistic Nativity scenes, performances of street artistes, street food, and activities for children.

During the festive season, the Mineral Museum will be open and visitors can experience a taste of the life of the miners who once worked the old Monte Amiato mines on a train ride down one of the tunnels.

Fun continues on till the end of the month, with New Year's Eve celebrated in the main square and a New Year concert in the Abbey of San Salvatore.


Info: Tel. ++39.0577778324  .



Posted on 03 Dec 2015 by Editor
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