ISpiagge di Alghero: le più belle in città e dintorni - Idee di ...

According to data issued by the Italian Ministry of Health, the number of clean seas and beaches continues to grow year by year. Coastal controls and water analyses this year have promoted 7.3% more beaches compared with two summers ago.

In general, the quality of the water is above the European average. Sea water was analysed in 5000 resort beaches all over Italy. The regions which came out with top marks were Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Basilicata, Sicily and Sardegna. Tuscany, which has a 99% record of clean beaches and seas, however, is not listed in the report because adverse weather conditions did not allow experts to collect data before the survey was completed.

From 2013, beaches will be given a new classification system, graded as excellent, good, sufficient and insufficient with the obligation to post the according notices in public view. The study also included lake waters.


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Posted on 24 Jun 2012 by Editor
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