Risultati immagini per le meraviglie dell'arte palazzo cipolla

The Rome we know today would not be the same without the century of Baroque art that remodelled and revolutionized the face of the city during the 17th century.  This is the theme chosen by the Foundation Roma-Arte-Musei (Musarte), the cultural branch of the Foundation Rome, for its latest exciting exhibition on the art of the Eternal City, following the Quattrocento Romano in 2008, the Settecento (20109 and the Cinquecento (2011).

Baroque in Rome, the Marvel of the Arts , on show until the 26th July 2015, is spread over several venues of all significant for the Baroque period  and includes special itineraries and guided visits to churches and monuments not normally open to the public.

The central core of the exhibition is in Palazzo Cipolla on Rome's central Via del Corso, where visitors can trace the development of Baroque art from Annibale Carracci to Baciccio and the most celebrated masters of this new style, like Bernini, Borromini and Pietro da Cortona.

The circa 200 works on display come from leading international collections, including the Vatican Museums, the Hermitage at St. Petersburg, the Museo du Louvre e Mobilier National, Paris, the Kunsthistorisches Museum and Albertina Museum, Vienna, the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, the Victoria and Albert, London, the Staatliche Museen of Berlin, as well as various Italian galleries and museums.

Of particular interest are the themed tours connected with the event, involving the Vatican and many of Rome's principal galleries and museums, with the opportunity to visit several normally inaccessible sites, such as the Chapel of the Three Wise Men in the Palace of the Propaganda Fide, the Sala Borromini at the Oratory of the Filippini and the Scala Regia and the Ducal Room in the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican.

The exhibition has an important satellite event outside Rome at Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia in the Alban hills, entitled Portraits and Images from Rubens to Giaquinto.

Margaret Stenhouse


Info: Tel. (+39)06.22761260




Posted on 16 May 2015 by Editor
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