Il governo dice sì al Parco Nazionale dell'isola di Pantelleria ...One of the few remaining examples of the unique circular walled gardens of the Sicilian island of Pant

elleria has been saved for posterity by Donna Fugata, one of Sicilys top winegrowers. The giardini pantesco, as the gardens are called, were constructed centuries ago, probably by Arab settlers, who devised this ingenious way of growing fruit trees and vegetables in a hot, dry, windswept environment. The drystone walls of lava stone create an ideal microclimate, preserving the moisture in the air and protecting the orange trees within from wind damage. The Donna Fugata company has donated the garden on their property on Pantelleria to the FAI (Italian National Trust) which plans to open it to visitors.

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Posted on 20 Dec 2008 by Editor
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