Risultati immagini per ercolano di notte

Every Wednesday and Sunday throughout the summer visitors can participate in a special guided tour of Herculaneum by Night. The second Campania city after Pompeii swallowed by the fatal Vesuvius eruption in 79 AD, the tragic story of the last hours of the inhabitants is recounted by archeological experts, who lead participants through the ghostly darkened streets to the Terme Suburbane (Suburban Baths), normally not open to the public, where they can watch the theatrical revocation, entitled La notte di Plinio (Pliny's Night).

There are four tours per evening: 8.30 pm, 9 pm, 9,30 pm (English version) and 10 pm. Prior booking necessary. The night visits run until the 13th September 2015.

Tickets cost 16. Children under 14 free.


Info: www.campaniartecard.it/buried-stories

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