The Fondo Ambiente Italiano (FAI the Italian Environment Foundation) is to undertake funding the restoration of the city of L'Aquilas most famous monument, the Fountain of the Ninety-nine Spouts, damaged in the recent earthquake.
One of Italys most important astronomical parks, the Torre del Sole at Brembate di Sopra near Bergamo (Lombardy), is staging a programme of special events to mark International Year of Astronomy 2009.
A precious illuminated bible, commissioned by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Bald in 866, is on view for the first time in the Abbey of St. Paul Outside the Walls, Rome.
The third festival of the Via Francigena, or French Road, that took medieval pilgrims from Canterbury to Rome and thence onwards to the Holy Land, is being celebrated in many of the towns and villages in Italy along the route between the 17 th to 19 th April.
The editor and staff of Italyupdate wish to offer all their sympathy and support to the people of the beautiful region of Abruzzo, who have been so badly hit by the earthquake around L'Aquila.
Normally, our website is dedicated to basically good news from Italy of cultural events, food and wine, new tourist attractions and exhibitions. However, an event of these tragic proportions cannot be passed over in silence. We can only bow our heads.
Signed: Julie Davidson, Harry Reid, Margaret Stenhouse, Antonio Rigillo
A terracotta bust, on show for the first time in an exhibition at the town of Impruneta, near Florence, is thought by experts to be a hitherto unknown work by Leonardo da Vinci.
Italy has confirmed its role as leader in the field of gastronomic tourism in Europe, according to a survey carried out by the BitLab observatory of incoming tourism to Italy, commissioned by Fiera Milano (Milan Expo). The survey, based on an analysis of 3,492 articles published in 100 newspapers and magazines in 20 European, American and Asian countries, made Italy a first choice destination for food and wine-loving travellers, ahead of Greece, Spain and France.
Veronas city council has come up with a sure-win idea to help fill the town coffers. Romantically minded couples can now get married inside the house of the Capulet family and have their wedding photos shot on the balcony where Shakespeares ill-starred heroine Juliet conversed with Romeo......
A forest of rare black coral, calculated to be composed of 300,000 colonies, has been discovered near the coast of Scilla, Calabria, during explorations of the sea floor by environmental scientists. The coral is located at a depth that varies from 50 to 110 metres and is considered to be the most extensive known colony in the world.