URBINO @ 04 May 2012


Urbino, one of the most important centres of the Italian Renaissance, is hosting an exhibition centred round the enigmatic work, La Città˝ Ideale, painted by an unknown artist in the second half of the quattrocento.

The mysterious cityscape of empty piazzas, monumental buildings and streets disappearing into the distance is given added interest by the presence of a parallel work by Bartolomeo  Giovanni Corradini, known as Frà Carnevale, on loan from the Walters Art Gallery of Baltimore, USA, thus giving a unique opportunity to compare the two.

The exhibition is a tribute to the illuminated dukedom of Federico di Montefeltro, who was a passionate patron of the arts at his court. Over 50 works, including paintings, sculptures, drawings, medallions, architectural treatises, illuminated manuscripts and inlays by Renaissance artists are on display with La Città Ideale at the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino. They include Piero della Francesco, Jacopo de Barbari, Luca Signorelli, Domenico Veneziano, Sassetta, Mantegna, Perugino, Bramante and Raphael.

The exhibition will run till the 8 July 2012.

For information: www.mostracittaideale.it  

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