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On the Feast of San Lorenzo, the 10 August, which is traditionally the best night for seeing shooting stars in the Italian night sky, wine glasses will be raised all over the peninsula for the annual Movimento Turismo del Vino (wine tourism organization) event. Over a million wine lovers are expected to participate in some 200 Italian towns belonging to the National Association Città˝ del Vino (Wine Cities) as well as in many individual cellars.

The organizers claim that this is one of the most important appointments in the Italian summer. It provides an opportunity to promote areas which are normally visited by tourists, declared Giampaolo Pioli, president of the Citta˝ del Vino association. Many of the towns involved, in fact, are farming communities, off-the-beaten-track, but with their share of historic and environmental interest. Even the smallest of these towns have organized concerts of live music, gastronomic tastings, al fresco dinners to entertain imbibers, as well as a romantic launch of wish-containing lanterns at midnight. Naturally, appropriate spaces will be designated, where possible, to spot the shooting stars.

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