Image result for crespi d'adda village


The model village of Crespi D'Adda, built by industrialist Benigno Crespi in 1877 to house the workers employed in his textile factory, can be visited on Sundays and holidays up till October 2016.

The site was listed as an UNESCO Protected World Heritage Site in 1995, thanks to its unique characteristics as a virtually self-sufficient community, linked to its place of work. The houses were all provided with gardens and orchards and facilities included a school, a hospital, a theatre, a church, a public wash-house, a workers' club, public baths with swimming pool and even a cemetery. The village was created around the cotton manufacturing plant Cotonificio Benigno Crespi when factory owner, Cristoforo Benigni Crespi, began building housing for his workers in 1877. The work was completed by his son Silvio towards the end of the 1930s. Among the many innovations introduced, it the first village in Italy to have a public electric system.  

Crespi D'Adda is situated between the provinces of Milan and Bergamo at Capriate San Gervasio (Lombardia) on the banks of the River Adda.

Guided tours can be arranged on weekdays by prior booking.


Info: Tel. ++39.02.90939988 - 


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