Risultati immagini per palazzo montani antaldi pesaro

Pesaro is celebrating today the grand opening of the new Rossini National Museum, dedicated to the celebrated opera composer Gioachino Rossini, who was born in the city in 1792.


Posted on 11 Jun 2019 by Editor



The 14th century San Francesco Bridge, Subiaco (Lazio), that arches over the Aniene River at the entrance to the town hit the limelight at the recent Cannes Film Festival when it was nominated top location in the Set of Culture competition organized by the European Film Commission.



Posted on 07 Jun 2019 by Editor

 Risultati immagini per colonne di todi

Todi, one of the best preserved medieval towns in Umbria, has now acquired a contemporary touch. The four monumental Todi Columns by American sculptor Beverley Pepper,  have now returned to their original site in front of the Duomo.


Posted on 03 Jun 2019 by Editor

 Risultati immagini per pets friendly cervia

Pet-friendly holiday destinations are enjoying a boom. According to statistics, 7 million pets go on holiday with their owners every year and 48% of the owners declare that their choice of destination depends on the assurance that their canine or feline friend will be welcome.




Posted on 30 May 2019 by Editor

Risultati immagini per Ausonia & Hungaria

The historic 1907 art nouveau Ausonia & Hungaria Hotel at the Venice Lido, after a vast two-year restoration and upgrading operation, is now set to be one of the sights of Venice. Already striking, with its facade decorated with polychrome ceramic tiles of typical Liberty-style



Posted on 26 May 2019 by Editor


The couple of peregrine falcons nesting on top of the Palazzo Pirelli in Milan has arrived for the second year and successfully hatched and raised two new chicks.

Posted on 22 May 2019 by Editor


Risultati immagini per LA ROSA DI GRANDI GIARDINI


 What better debut for a newborn rose than

the spectacular setting of one of the world's most celebrated gardens? The "Grandi Giardini d'Italia" a new, crimson tea rose, created by the Barni Rose nursery for Judith Wade, founder of the Grandi Giardini Italiani (Great Italian Gardens) organization and nominated the "Queen of Gardens" by "Vanity Fair", had its official baptism in the Villa d'Este gardens (Tivoli), attended by Ms. Wade and Andrea Bruciati, curator of the three Tivoli jewels, Villa d'Este, Villa Adriana and the newly restored Temple of Hercules the Victor.





Posted on 18 May 2019 by Editor


 Risultati immagini per giardini corsini

The splendid 17th century Corsini Gardens in Florence provide the backdrop for the "ArtigianatoePalazzo" (Crafts and Palace) event running from the 16-19 May 2019. This year's edition concentrates on the city's long ties with the local Russian community, and is subtitled "Memories of Russia in Florence".



Posted on 14 May 2019 by Editor

 Risultati immagini per ITALYin miniatura

On the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, the popular Reggio Emilio seaside resort of Rimini offers free painting laboratories for children every Friday throughout May 2019, as well as an "Avventure nell'Orto" (Adventures in the Garden) event every Sunday in the precincts of "Italy in Miniature".



Posted on 10 May 2019 by Editor

 Image result for FOLLOWING AENEAS

 The Associazione Rotta di Enea (On the Track of Aeneas) is stirring up renewed interest in Virgil's Eneide with a trans-Mediterranean trek that traces the mythical journey of the Trojan hero, alleged forefather of the Romans.



Posted on 06 May 2019 by Editor

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