Risultato immagine per infiorata di genzano

One of Italy's most famous Flower Festivals, the Infiorata in the town of Genzano near Rome has been cancelled this year due to the coronavirus epidemic.

Posted on 10 May 2020 by Editor

Risultato immagine per pietrabbondante teatro

The recent excavation campaign at one of the most important archaeological sites in the Molise region uncovered new insights into the secrets of the Samnites, a warrior people that occupied south-central Italy and held out against the Romans for centuries. 

Posted on 06 May 2020 by Editor


Risultato immagine per massimo pacifico foto musei italiani

Since museums and galleries became off-limits with the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, the Italian Ministry of Culture (MIBAC) and many curators of the principal collections have organised online alternative.

Posted on 02 May 2020 by Editor

 Procida Island Napoli Italia artistica da parete con stampa ...

The Italian Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MIBAC) has launched an online virtual tour of museums, palaces and historic sites.

Posted on 28 Apr 2020 by Editor

 Risultato immagine per eike schmidt

Eike Schmidt, the dynamic curator of the Uffizi Museums in Florence, assured foreign press journalists in a recent meeting in streaming that the programme of events and exhibitions that have been postponed due to the Covid-19 crisis are simply on hold and will go ahead as soon as the situation permits.

Posted on 24 Apr 2020 by Editor


Venice joins the list of Italian landmarks illuminated in green, white and red, the three colours of the national flag, as a gesture of hope and solidarity during the present coronavirus epidemic.

Posted on 21 Apr 2020 by Editor

Risultato immagine per Parco sotterraneo Baia    

It may be a bit early to think of holiday plans, but a month of lockdown has started many people dreaming. Due to probable travel limitations, Italians are being advised to restrict travel to the home base. 

Posted on 18 Apr 2020 by Editor

Risultato immagine per nuovo pontemorandi

Despite a series of crises, including heavy rainstorms, flooding, and the current Covid-19 epidemic, the replacement bridge over the River Polcevera at Genoa, is nearing completion.

Posted on 11 Apr 2020 by Editor

Risultato immagine per meranoRisultato immagine per bergamo

With tourism figures plummeted to an unprecedented low due to the present Covid-19 epidemic, various Italian towns are taking the opportunity to promote their image in the hope of attracting future visitors once the crisis is over and life returns to normal.

Posted on 09 Apr 2020 by Editor

Risultato immagine per “caffč sospeso

The "Caffe Sospeso" ("O caffe suspiso", in the Neapolitan dialect) is a long tradition in the Naples area, where anyone who wishes can leave money for an extra cup of coffee at his favourite cafe, which will subsequently to be offered to someone who can't afford to pay for his own.

Posted on 05 Apr 2020 by Editor

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