

The Lazio Region plans to coax foreign tourists to venture beyond Rome and discover the multiple beauties and treasures of the territory with the help of a new website.

Posted on 25 May 2014 by Editor


British art has never been well known or appreciated in Italy. Two splendid exhibitions, running contemporarily in Rome and covering the works of major artists of the '700 - '800 should help to fill the lacuna.

“Hogarth, Reynolds, Turner, Pittura Inglese verso la Modernit�” gives a fascinating insight into the classical period of landscape and portraiture, dominated by a series of artists who took much of their inspiration from travel in Italy, but who re-interpreted the underlying pictorial principles of Italian art to create their own vision of society.

Posted on 22 May 2014 by Editor


The wines of Lazio region, virtually ignored by wine connoisseurs only twenty years ago, are making an increasing impact on the Made in Italy market. 28 Lazio wines scooped awards at the 48th edition of the international Vinitaly 2014 Wine Fair at Verona.

Posted on 19 May 2014 by Editor

ADSL (the Association of Historic Italian Dwellings) promotes the art and history of the Alta Tuscia area in Northern Lazio throughout May and June by opening the doors of historic aristocratic residences and other monuments in the towns of Bolsena, Acquapendente, Castell'Azzara, Proceno, Onano and Gradoli which rise along the Via Francigena, the ancient pilgrims' route to Rome from Canterbury, England.

Posted on 16 May 2014 by Editor


The Giragola Festival of Ostuni (Puglia) will showcase the region's gastronomic best every Friday during the month of May 2014. Organized as an itinerant tour with taste stops at five local restaurants and wine bars, where visitors can sample the wines and traditional dishes of the Salento and southern Murgia area, Giragola also includes sightseeing as well as performances by local musicians, theatrical events and art and photography exhibitions.


Posted on 13 May 2014 by Editor


Three separate exhibitions are dedicated this spring to the fascinating and mysterious Etruscan people who inhabited a large part of the Italian peninsula from the Iron Age till they were conquered and absorbed by the Romans. They left extensive evidence of their civilization, their rituals, their art, their engineering feats and their burial customs in the hundreds of tombs distributed in world famous necropoli such as those at Cerveteri, near Rome, and Tarquinia in northern Lazio  


Posted on 10 May 2014 by Editor



The historic Cathedral of Pozzuoli (Campania) will open its doors once more on the 11th May 2014, The Feast of the Saints Procolo and Gennara, patrons of the diocese. The church, built on the ruins of a Roman Temple of Augustus, has a long and tormented history. It rises on a rock which collapsed in 1538, causing serious damage to the structure. 

Posted on 07 May 2014 by Editor

Reconstruction of the Ancient Greek Long Jump - an Opportunity for ...


The competition launched by the Fondazione Parchi Monumentali Bardini e Peyron (Monumental Parks Foundation) to design a new brand image on the theme A Logo for Beauty attracted around 3000 designs, of which 300 from 62 foreign countries.

Posted on 04 May 2014 by Editor

La Chiesa dei Cappuccini, restaurati affreschi e stucchi: riapre il tempio barocco di via Veneto


The 17th century church of the Cappuccini monks on Rome's Via Veneto has re-opened after two years of restoration. The church has always been a favourite with tourists  especially those with children  because of its macabre crypt decorated with  the skulls and bones of four thousand brothers who died between 1528 and 1870.


Posted on 01 May 2014 by Editor

Alto Adige is one of Italy's most popular regions for agriturismo (farm holidays), with 1,600 members belonging to the Unione Agricoltori e Coltivatori Diretti Sudtirolesi (Farmers' Union of the South Tirol/Alto Adige) grouped under the Red Rooster logo.


Posted on 28 Apr 2014 by Editor

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