Archaeologists excavating in a recently unexplored area in the outskirts of the buried city of Pompeii have uncovered previously little known aspects of daily life in the 1st century AD.

Pompeii is celebrated for the magnificent wall paintings, fountains and gardens belonging to the rich upper classes, but not much had come to light that revealed the realities of the life of the less fortunate slave workers.

In 2021 digs started around the suburban villa of Civita Giuliana, uncovering a stable with the remains of a horse and a richly decorated parade chariot. However, what really fascinated archaeologists was the discovery of a couple of small rooms where the household slaves lived in bare and spartan conditions - in stark contrast to the luxury accommodation enjoyed by their owners. The solidification of the hot gas erupted from the volcano had preserved the outline of the furniture, the bed linen and household objects and thus enabled precise plaster cast reproductions to be made.

One of the most unexpected discoveries was the remains of two mice inside an amphora that had been stored under one of the beds, plus a black rat inside a clay jug where it had obviously been trying desperately to climb out. Although we know from ancient sources that rodents were present in Ancient Rome, the presence of three in one small room shows how common they must have been and casts new light on the hygienic standards and the spread of disease, despite the Romans' well-known penchant for baths.

Info: Tel. Infopoint +39.0818575347 www.pompeiisites.org

Posted on 26 Jan 2024 by Editor



The small town of Foiano della Chiana (Arezzo, Tuscany) launches its 485th Carnevale celebrations on the 28th January 2024 with the traditional parade of colossal floats wending their laborious way down the narrow medieval streets of the historic centre.

Foiano, in fact, claims to have the oldest pre-Lenten Carnival in Italy, on document since 1539. This year's theme is “Fantasy” and the four competing float creators will focus on fairytale themes and traditional Disney film characters. The winner will be announced by Re Giocondo (King of Merriment) at the concluding event on the 25th February which heralds in Lent and the end of all the fun. The 9000 inhabitants of the town all pitch in to help with the construction of the gigantic papier mache figures and Foiano, in fact, has a special school that teaches local children the art in order to carry on the long tradition. The floats will be paraded through the town every Sunday throughout February, accompanied by street entertainers, music, games, tricks and fireworks displays.

The little town of Foiano has an illustrious past dating back to the times of the Medici takeover. Its Town Hall dates from the 14th century and its churches are graced with works by prestigious artists of the renaissance period like Signorelli, Andrea della Robbia, Pomarancio and .Circignani.

Carnival Sundays: 28th Jan., 4th ,11th 18th 25th February 2024

Info: Tel. +39.0575.642100/+39.3395981439 www.carnevaledifoiano.it

Posted on 22 Jan 2024 by Editor


A fascinating museum has just reopened on the previously neglected Celio Hill exhibiting a unique collection of archaeological remains that had been shut away and virtually forgotten for almost a century.

The Celio Hill is one of the fabled Seven Hills, situated between the Palatine and the Colosseum. It contained an Antiquarium (collection of antiquities), with a vast store of finds from excavations in the area during the 1890s. However, the building was undermined by work during the construction of the Metro A line and closed to visitors for security reasons in 1939. The area, which also included a botanical garden, also hosted the former Fascist Palestra di GIL (a Youth Sports and Cultural Centre) and the 1835 Casina dei Salvi coffee house.

The latter two buildings have now been restored and converted into museum and study areas. The Palestra di GIL has been re-named il Museo della Forma Urbis (known in English as the Severan Marble Plan), a 3rd century AD gigantic city map of Ancient Rome that was once fixed on the wall of the Temple of Peace in the Roman Forum area. Originally the map measured 235 sqm and was engraved on 150 marble panels. Only about a tenth of the original map has survived. These can now be seen, laid out in accordance with the plan recreated in 1748 by cartographer-engineer Giovanni Battista Nolli. on the pavement of the main hall of the museum.

The surrounding park has been transformed into an open air museum, strewn with archeological fragments of sculptures, cornices, inscriptions and tombstones, from the former Antiquarium.

The Archeological Park and Museum are open every day except Monday.


Info: Tel. 060608 www.sovraintendenzaroma.it

Posted on 17 Jan 2024 by Editor


The exhibition “Dacia the Last Frontier of the Roman World” offers a rare opportunity to admire the art wonders of ancient Dacia (region corresponding to much of modern Romania and Moldova) at the Museo Nazionale Romano in the Roman Baths of Diocletian and the nearby Palazzo Massimo Museum. Celebrating a double anniversary of bilateral relations between Italy and Romania, over 1000 art works have been loaned to Italy for the first time from museums in Romania and the Moldova Republic, giving a penetrating insight into the lifestyle, customs and artistry of the ancient peoples who transited and inhabited the region between the Black Sea and the Carpathian Mountains

Dacia was rich in gold, which was one of the reasons it was so coveted by the Romans, who conquered it in 101-106 AD under the Emperor Trajan. He celebrated his victory with the majestic sculptured Column that stands to this day beside the modern Piazza Venezia.

Objects in gold, in fact, feature significantly in the exhibition and include the celebrated golden helmet of Cotofenestri, dating from the 4th century BC, as well as gold bracelets, jewellery and shoulder clasps and golden caparison decorations for parade horses. Other arresting exhibits also include the bronze helmet surmounted by an eagle found in the tomb of a Celtic warrior at Ciumnesti, Transylvania, and the spectacular coiled snake sculpture of the serpent god Glykon of Tomis (Costantia), where the disgraced poet Ovid spent his last days in exile.

The underlying theme throughout the exhibition is the rich mixture of cultures created by the various peoples who settled in the area. Running till the 21st April 2024.


Info: Tel. +39.06.480201 www.museonazionaleromano.beneculturali.it

Posted on 12 Jan 2024 by Editor


The 8th January sees the official end of this year's Christmas festivities, with the gradual dismantling of the street decorations and the removal of the Christmas Tree and the Presepio (Christmas Crib) from the centre of St. Peter's Square.

This year's Presepio was a special homage to St. Francis of Assisi who recreated the first Nativity re-enactment at the clifftop monastery of Greccio (Lazio) 800 years ago in order to bring the Christmas message of peace to his followers. The St. Peter's Crib is therefore a reconstruction of the Greccio grotto, complete with copies of the 1409 wall paintings that can still be seen in situ today.

In addition, the Infant Jesus is not in his mother's arms or lying in the manger, but is held instead by St. Francis of Assisi while a group of Franciscan friars take the place of the usual shepherds.

Other unusual – and sometimes whimsical – interpretations of the Nativity are on show at the Presepio exhibition under the Basilica colonnade.


Info: www.vaticannews.va

Posted on 08 Jan 2024 by Editor


A great New Year disappointment for Rome this year when the fabled Mr. OK renounced his regular dive into the Tiber to herald in 2024.

Mister OK (real name Maurizio Palmulli) had been launching himself on the 18m-high dive into the river from Ponte Cavour bridge near Castel Sant'Angelo on the morning of the 1st January for the past 35 years. This time, however, backache forced 71-year old Palmulli to forego his annual feat.

The Mr. Okay dive tradition was started in 1946 by Italian-Belgian Rick De Sonny, a flamboyant character who took the plunge wearing a bathing suit and a top hat. He was used to making the OK gesture with his thumb when he emerged from the waters, thus giving him the nickname that stuck when his successor, Palmulli, took over.

Palmulli now hopes that a new, younger Mister Okay will emerge to take his place and carry on the tradition.

Info: www.fanpage.it

Posted on 05 Jan 2024 by Editor



Posted on 22 Dec 2023 by Editor



The renaissance Palace Albergati in Bologna offers a special family Christmas treat with the world premiere of the exhibition : “Fantastic Animals, the Garden of Wonders” where 23 contemporary Italian artists have transformed two floors of the villa into an imaginary zoological garden, peopled by some 90 strange and colourful creatures, creating a magical landscape of dreams, colours and fantasy.

The exhibition is the creation of the Arthemisia company that specializes in novel forms of entertainment and exhibition design. The show runs throughout the holiday season, including Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and the Befana holiday on the 6th January, and will continue until the 5st May 2024.

Info: Tel. +39.051.030141 www.culturabologna.it

Posted on 19 Dec 2023 by Editor


Il Messaggero” (“The Messenger”), Rome's most popular daily newspaper, celebrates 145 years of life with a spectacular floodlit display covering the entire facade of its monumental headquarters in the heart of Rome.

Il Messaggero” was founded in 1879 with an initial circulation of 20,000 copies, that quickly increased to 35,000 within the following two years.

The flagship building, that had originally been a luxury hotel, was acquired in 1920 by the then owners, the Perrone family of wealthy industrialists and publishers and it has been a well-known landmark on the major thoroughfare of Via del Tritone ever since.

The present anniversary is being marked by a pavement-to-roof installation projecting the front pages of all the major stories of the century and a half of the paper's history, from the death of national hero Giuseppe Garibaldi, the referendum that gave Italian women the vote for the first time, the horrors of the so-called “Years of Lead”, the wars against the Mafia and the World Cup and Olympic victories.

Despite suffering from the general drop in the reading public over the last few years, “Il Messaggero” maintains a faithful following throughout Italy in its printed version, as well as in its digital form.

Info: www.ilmessaggero.it

Posted on 15 Dec 2023 by Editor


The gala “Primo” of the new season at La Scala Opera House, Milan, gave Italy's Culture Minister, Gennaro Sangiuliano, the perfect showcase to announce the inclusion of the Italian opera music and bel canto tradition in the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

This nomination brings Italy's list up to 19 in this category and includes exclusive practices like the Mediterranean diet, Cremona violin making, traditional Sicilian puppeteers, Sardinian pastoral songs, Neapolitan pizza makers, truffle hunting and traditional ceremonies like the annual Celestine Forgiveness at L'Aquila.

Italy is also the leader in the World Heritage Sites list with 53 cultural sites plus 6 special Nature sites.

Traditionally, every new La Scala season opens on the 8th December, the Feast of St. Ambrose, Milan's patron saint. It is a grand occasion in full black tie style, frequented by leading politicians, international media stars, captains of industry and leading lights in the cultural and literary field.

Info: https://ich.unesco.org

Posted on 11 Dec 2023 by Editor

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