Risultati immagini per piero della francesca resurrezione

The on-going restoration of Piero Della Francesca's majestic masterpiece The Resurrection of Christ continues to produce surprises as work continues. The Resurrection, thought to have been executed around the 1460s, when the artist was working in nearby Arezzo, is frescoed on the wall of the Civic Museum in the town of Sansepolcro (Tuscany) and continues to be visible throughout the restoration period.


Posted on 21 Nov 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per ninfa gardens

The annual competition to nominate the most beautiful Italian garden of the year saw dual wiunners in this edition: the laurels went to both the Villa Medici in Rome, seat of the historic French Academy, and the Ninfa Gardens in the countryside some 80 kms south of Rome.  The winners were chosen from over one thousand candidates.


Posted on 18 Nov 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per piazzetti di italia con gente

Italy came out tops as the country that best offers authentic experiences to visitors, according to a survey by TripBarometer conducted among 61,000 international travellers.

Posted on 15 Nov 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per appia antica


Italy's Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities (MIBAC) has requested that the Old Appian Way be listed among UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The ancient Roman road, built over 2,300 years ago, runs through four Italian regions, linking Rome with Brindisi on the Adriatic coast.


Posted on 12 Nov 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per truffle fair


Visitors who missed the first weekend of the annual truffle fair at San Giovanni d'Asso (Tuscany) can catch up on the busy programme of events during the second weekend - 14-15 November 2015.

Posted on 09 Nov 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per wild boar


The latest suggestion on how to control the booming wild boar population in rural Italy comes from Italian researcher Giovanna Massa, working at the UK Animal and Plant Health Agency. Contraceptives are to be introduced for a trial period into food supplies scattered round the Maremma National Park, Tuscany.

Posted on 06 Nov 2015 by Editor

File:Pope Francis Philadelphia 2015 (cropped).jpg - Wikimedia Commons


In expectation of millions of pilgrims attracted to Rome for Pope Francis' Extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy (due to begin on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception 8th December 2015) Rome is embarking on a last minute rush of preparations.


Posted on 03 Nov 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per expo ,milano

As the great six month-long EXPO MILANO 2015 festival draws to a close on the 31st October, organizers are rubbing their hands with glee. Despite initial gloomy predictions, the event has been an unqualified success, with ticket sales well exceeding the initial  target of 20 million (achieving over

460 million, according to latest figures )

The exposition hosted over 2,000 events, 113 national days, some 50,000 business-to-business encounters and an infinite number of cookery exhibitions and food presentations.


Posted on 31 Oct 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per Nuovo Museo dell'Opera del Duomo)

Art lovers in Florence will shortly have yet another attraction on which to feast their eyes when the new museum of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Nuovo Museo dell'Opera del Duomo) opens to the public on the 29th October 2015 with the completion of an ambitious expansion programme involving an investment of 45 million.


Posted on 28 Oct 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per paestum

The Mediterranean Archaeology Tourism Trade Fair (Borsa Mediterranea del turismo Archeologico) announces a first for this year's edition ˝ the institution of an Archaeology Discovery Award. The event, held in Paestum (Campania) between the 29th October - 1st November 2015, claims to be the only Exposition in the world dedicated to the promotion of archaeology tourism.


Posted on 24 Oct 2015 by Editor

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