Risultati immagini per foro romano ascensori  per disabili


Rome is buckling up for Holy Year Christmas, with extra security measures, new street lighting and metal detectors installed in major museums. In addition, the street hawkers have been cleared away in front of Termini railway station as well as the gladiators posing for photo shots in front of the Colosseum and other popular tourist spots.


Posted on 18 Dec 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per basilica di porta maggiore


Rome's Porta Maggiore, a busy crossroads of tram terminals and flanked by a railway line, hides a little-known treasure 9 metres under the present road level. The Underground Basilica has been closed for many years, due to its fragile state of preservation.

Posted on 15 Dec 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per pane sospeso

It has long been a tradition in Naples to offer a caffè sospeso. Customers in caffes often pay for two espressi at the till – one for him/herself and the other sospeso for any passer-by who can't afford to buy one.


Posted on 13 Dec 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per la rinascente e Natale 

International Swiss artist John Armleder has designed eight original installations to decorate the windows of La Rinascente, Milan's most famous department store, based on the theme: Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, it's Xmas again.


Posted on 09 Dec 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per i parchi piu belle a natale


I Parchi Più Belli D'Italia (Italy's Most Beautiful Parks association) offer a programme of events for the festive season involving historic gardens all over the country. These are only a few examples:


Posted on 06 Dec 2015 by Editor


Risultati immagini per abbadia san salvatore inverno


The traditional torchlit Christmas celebrations at the winter ski resort of Abbadia San Salvatore on the slopes of Monte Amiato (Tuscany) start off early this year. The 4th December 2015, the feast of the patron saint, St. Barbara, protectress of miners, will be marked by the inauguration of the new Multimedial Museum to complement the town's Mineral Park Museum, located partially in the former Monte Amiata cinnabar mercury mine.


Posted on 03 Dec 2015 by Editor

 Risultati immagini per lazio piante monumentali


In 2013, Lazio region passed legislation protecting its patrimony of monumental trees, declaring that every civic area should submit a censor within the end of this year 2015. this objective is unlikely to be reached by the deadline, due to scarcity of funds, however, the operation has been initiated by the Corpo Forestale dello Stato (State Forestry Corps) which has the task of documenting ancient trees both in the wilds and on private land, to guarantee their future protection.


Posted on 30 Nov 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per geopark in italia

Italy's 10 Geoparks received UNESCO recognition at the recent 38th Plenary Session of the UNESCO meeting in Paris. The geoparks organization was launched some years ago in order to meet the need to recognize, at an international level, sites of geological interest.


Posted on 27 Nov 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per mondo bio a firenze


A market-fair of the best of Tuscan organic produce takes place in Florence between the 17th -28th  November 2015. The show is the last in a series of initiatives linked to Expo 2015 promoted by the local Chamber of Commerce and various producers' associations.



Posted on 23 Nov 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per piero della francesca resurrezione

The on-going restoration of Piero Della Francesca's majestic masterpiece The Resurrection of Christ continues to produce surprises as work continues. The Resurrection, thought to have been executed around the 1460s, when the artist was working in nearby Arezzo, is frescoed on the wall of the Civic Museum in the town of Sansepolcro (Tuscany) and continues to be visible throughout the restoration period.


Posted on 21 Nov 2015 by Editor

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