Italy's Marche Region with its gentle hills and peaceful historic towns (promotional slogan: the ideal place for a better life) is to celebrate Pope's Francis' Holy Year of Mercy with a series of art exhibitions in four different centres.



Posted on 06 Mar 2016 by Editor


 Risultati immagini per museo egiziano di torino

The Egyptian Museum of Turin is launching an exciting joint venture event with Naples and the Campania Region in 2016 that aims to emphasize the influence of Egyptian culture and its importance in the Mediterranean world.


Posted on 03 Mar 2016 by Editor

Risultati immagini per uniforme nuova della associazione gondolieri


The 433 members of the Venice Gondoliers Association have now adopted a standardized uniform with a new logo incorporating typical symbols of their trade, including the distinctive gondola iron comb bows and the lion of St. Mark on the banner of the Serenissimo Republic.


Posted on 29 Feb 2016 by Editor

Risultati immagini per mantova

Mantova (Lombardy), a listed UNESCO World Hertage Site, is this year's Italian Capital of Culture and the city has prepared a programme of over 1000 special events between March and December 2016 to satisfy all interests, ages and tastes.


Posted on 26 Feb 2016 by Editor

Risultati immagini per case cantoniere


Italy's State Property Agency (il Demanio) has announced plans to put some 30 case cantoniere (houses once rented to the roadmen responsible for maintaining a certain section of road) on the market. The buildings, familiarly referred to as the red houses because of their distinctive Pompeiian red painted walls, were originally set up in 1830 and are now managed by ANAS (Azienda Nazionale Autonoma delle Strade), the state road management agency.


Posted on 23 Feb 2016 by Editor


Art works by the famous Italian film director, Michaelangelo Antonioni, are on show at the Galleria Piazza di Pietra, Rome, until the 29th February 2016. The exhibition, a selection of abstracts in acrylic on canvas or cardboard canvas, is curated by the artist's wife, Enrica, and by the Gallery director Francesca Anfosso.

Posted on 20 Feb 2016 by Editor

Risultati immagini per museo civico di Siena


The historic city of Siena (Tuscany) is dedicated to art and culture during the entire month  of February. The many initiatves involve the Civic Museum (one of the most important examples of Gothic architecture in the world), the Town Hall (Palazzo Comunale), the ancient hospice of Santa Maria della Scala, the Cathedral, the Jewish Sinagogue, the Accademia Musicale Chigiana and the Botanical Gardens.


Posted on 17 Feb 2016 by Editor

Risultati immagini per prosecco

In Italy, gastronomy, wine and art are never far apart. The 19th February 2016 will see the opening of the first major exhibition dedicated to the Vivarini, the Venetian family of artists of the '400 and '500 who ushered in the Renaissance artistic revolution.

Posted on 14 Feb 2016 by Editor

 Risultati immagini per hemp

The Canapa Mundi fair, programmed for the 19th - 21st February 2016 at the PalaCavicchi venue near Ciampino Airport, Rome, aims to promote the many uses of the hemp plant as a health and eco-sustainable product of the future.


Posted on 09 Feb 2016 by Editor

Risultati immagini per Doge's ball venice


This year's Doge's Ball (6th February 2016), considered to be the most sumptuous event of the Venice Carnival, takes as its theme: The Secret Garden of Dreams. The guests will reconstruct the atmosphere of the celebrated Venice Carnival of the Casanova epoch, wearing the period costumes designed by  Antonia Sautter, designer and events organizer.


Posted on 06 Feb 2016 by Editor

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