Sapienza Università di Roma - ScoprendoRoma 


Rome's Sapienza University is to reopen its historic Science Museum collections to the public one Saturday every month.

Posted on 25 Apr 2014 by Editor

Coppa Kimbo – CoGel – La logistica del freddo in Liguria dal 1927

Italian coffee giant Kimbo is branching into a new gastronomic venture that should prove a hit this summer of the Kimbo Icecream Cup, the first expresso coffee ice-cream flavoured with 100% top quality arabica beans, in cooperation with Italian icecream manufacturers Algida.


Posted on 22 Apr 2014 by Editor


Where better to celebrate the Easter holiday than in one or other of the thousand most beautiful Parchi e Giardini Italiani (Italian Parks and Gardens)? Most of them are at their most splendid at this time of year and organize events for the whole family, such as egg hunts, entertainment or simply strolls among blossom trees, floral displays and landscaped woodland.


Posted on 19 Apr 2014 by Editor


The enterprising Franciscan Brothers of the Roman church of San Francesco a Ripa in Trastevere have managed in little over a month to raise $128.500 to restore the cell where St. Francis of Assisi stayed when he came to visit Pope Innocent III between 1209 and 1223.


Posted on 17 Apr 2014 by Editor

Augusto alle Scuderie del Quirinale (da vedere e non da sentire ...Mostre: Gli splendori di Augusto alle Scuderie

Following the success of the exhibition in the Scuderie del Quirinali, Rome, dedicated to the great Roman Emperor Augustus, Rome continues the celebration of his bi-millenium throughout the rest of this year with a full programme of exhibitions and special events, to be held in the Ara Pacis museum and Trajan's Market.



Posted on 14 Apr 2014 by Editor

Design made in San Patrignano: tre nuove collezioni al Salone del Mobile

Mappa Coriano - Cartina Coriano ViaMichelin 

The Design Lab of the San Patrignano community centre of Coriano (Rimini) shows three new collections of hand crafted furniture and design objects at this year's Milan Furniture Fair, which runs till the 13th April 2014.

Posted on 11 Apr 2014 by Editor


The success of the recent exhibition of Etruscan antiquities from Cerveteri (Lazio) in the prestigious Louvre-Lens Museum, France, has boosted international interest in the ancient Etruscan Necropolis that lies just outside the town. The Necropolis, known as the Banditaccia, has been a UNESCO heritage site since 2004. An authentic City of the Dead, it was in use for some eight centuries, preserving evidence of strata upon strata of civilization from the Iron Age to the Roman era.


Posted on 08 Apr 2014 by Editor

Sure of the fact that few people can resist the charms of reading their horoscopes, the deluxe Hotel Plaza e de Russie of Viareggio has introduced a new facility that is sure to meet the approval, or - at least - arouse the curiosity of guests. With the assistance of astrologist Salvatore Madonna each rooms has been given a zodiac sign, based on its individual characteristics.



Posted on 05 Apr 2014 by Editor

Bacino Astico Leogra 

Sixteen towns in the Leogra valleys in western Alto Vicentino (Veneto) have put together an interesting programme of wine and taste tours around their territory. Launched with the brand name: Le Valle del Vino e del Racconto (Valleys of Wine and Legends) the initiative launches a series of itineraries of discovery and culture.


Posted on 02 Apr 2014 by Editor

 Sagra del Carciofo Romanesco - Ladispoli 17-19 aprile 2020


The seaside resort of Ladispoli (near Rome) is famous for its artichokes which thrive in the favourable conditions of the area and since they are so important for the local economy, they are suitably honoured with an annual spring festival. This year's version of the Sagra del Carciofo encompasses three events, spread over the next two weeks.


Posted on 30 Mar 2014 by Editor

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