Throughout May, June and July 2009, the 16 th century Quistini manor house at Rovato, near Brescia, Lombardy, throws open its magnificent gardens to visitors.
The Park of the Delta of the river Po, well-known for its rich variety of animal and bird life, is organizing a series of initiatives up to the end of May for nature-lovers.
A touring exhibition on Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci in on show at Romes Palazzo Venezia museum until August 30 th after a highly successful world tour, which began in 2006.
The parish priest of the Church of Saints Vincent and Anastasia, which overlooks the Trevi Fountain, Rome, has removed the hundreds of padlocks young couples have been attaching to the church railings.
The Fondo Ambiente Italiano (FAI the Italian Environment Foundation) is to undertake funding the restoration of the city of L'Aquilas most famous monument, the Fountain of the Ninety-nine Spouts, damaged in the recent earthquake.
One of Italys most important astronomical parks, the Torre del Sole at Brembate di Sopra near Bergamo (Lombardy), is staging a programme of special events to mark International Year of Astronomy 2009.
A precious illuminated bible, commissioned by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Bald in 866, is on view for the first time in the Abbey of St. Paul Outside the Walls, Rome.
The third festival of the Via Francigena, or French Road, that took medieval pilgrims from Canterbury to Rome and thence onwards to the Holy Land, is being celebrated in many of the towns and villages in Italy along the route between the 17 th to 19 th April.