The Salt Museum of Cervia (MUSA) is opening its doors for a special photographic exhibition centred on the sea and the life of fishermen. The “Gente di Mare” (People of the Sea) exhibition also features local fishermen who will exhibit various techniques of their trade, like mending nets and tying knots.

Visitors can also watch the ancient technique of sail painting, with the traditional designs, colours and symbols, demonstrated by members of “La Pantofla” cultural association. The photographic exhibition is open every evening till the 4th July 2020 between 20.30 till midnight, with “fishermen's tales” every evening Tuesday to Saturday during the period.

Info: Tel. +39.0544.979302

Posted on 18 Jun 2020 by Editor


Italy is putting forward two candidates for this year's International Archaeology Discovery Award, now into its sixth edition. The award is dedicated to Syrian archaeologist Khaled al-Asaad, the head of antiquities in the ancient city of Palmyra who was killed by Islamic militants in 2015 for refusing to reveal the hiding place of the museum's most precious antiquities.

Posted on 14 Jun 2020 by Editor

The Pinacoteca di Brera of Milan finally re-opened on the 9th June 2020, after the long closure due to the coronavirus pandemic. Director James Bradburne has announced that the entrance fee will be waived for the entire summer period, as a thank you gesture to the city and people of Milan, whom, he said, constantly offered their support and affection throughout the months of the crisis. “If the Brera is the heart of Milan, the Milanese are in the heart of the Brera”, he said, commenting on the unique affection and sense of participation Italians feel for their remarkable cultural heritage.

Posted on 10 Jun 2020 by Editor


The appearance of the Italian national colours of green, white and red on packaging increases sales, according to a recent report by the Osservatorio Immagino di GS1 Italy (Image Observatory of Global Standards) of the EU conducted among leading retailers. The report revealed that, compared with the previous year, sales of food products grew by +0.7% when the Italian flag appeared on the label and by +3.5% if accompanied by the guarantee “100% Italian.”

Posted on 07 Jun 2020 by Editor

The Festival of the Italian Republic on the 2nd June 2020 marked the long-awaited reopening of many of Italy's museums and galleries, which have been closed for the past three months due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Major sights, such as the Colosseum, the Vatican Museums, the Ducal Palace of Mantua, the Royal Palace of Caserta, the Archaeological Museum of Naples and the Gallery of the Academy of Florence, with Michelangelo's David, are only a few of the treasures that are once more available, joining the list of celebrated attractions, like Pompeii, the Villa Borghese Gallery, Villa d'Este and Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli and the Gallery of the Academy at Venice, which have all opened during the past few days.

These will shortly be followed by others, like Castel Sant'Angelo, the Pantheon and the Gallery of the Academy of Brera in Milan.

Italy's museums, archaeological sites and galleries have suffered serious financial losses during the shutdown. Eike Schmitt, director of the Uffizi in Florence, reported losing 10 million euro in revenue during the enforced closure. He said, however, that the Uffizi had wide enough shoulders to carry the deficit. The real problem was for the 470 Italian state museums, many of which are not able unassisted to cover their costs. To meet the emergency, the Italian government is launching a special 55 billion euro national spending package to support the cultural sector.


Posted on 03 Jun 2020 by Editor

The major exhibition to mark the anniversary of Raphael's death in 1520 is due to re-open on the 2nd June in coincidence with Italy's national Festival of the Republic.

The exhibition in the Scuderie del Quirinale (Quirinale Palace Stables Museum) is the biggest single tribute ever paid to “the Divine Painter”, asRaphael Sanzio was called, with 120 works by the artist, coming from different museums and galleries, including the Uffizi (Florence), the Louvre (Paris), the National Gallery (London), the Ashmolean Museum (Oxford) and Queen Elizabeth II's private collection.

The exhibition opened on the 5th March 2020, but was forced to close after only four days due to the coronavirus clampdown. Visitors will be obliged to observe safety regulations, such as the limitation of numbers (pre-booking online), temperature measurements at the entrance and masks for visitors and staff.

All being well, the long-awaited “RAFFAELLO 1520-1483” exhibition (the dates of his birth and his death have been reversed for better effect) will run until the 30th August 2020 with extended opening hours – every day from 9 am to 10 pm.

Info: Tel.+39.02.92897722

Posted on 30 May 2020 by Editor

Concerning the restrictions imposed by the government, 87.7% considered social distancing necessary to control the epidemic and 88.7% were in favour of the closure of schools and mass meetings of all kinds. The greater majority (44.3% + 34%) believed that in our present society pandemic emergencies on a vast scale, like Covid 19, were inevitable.

51.5% of those questioned declared that they now appreciated the value of life more. Only 7.1% declared that they felt it diminished, while 41.4% felt no difference.

The main worry of the young focused on the consequences of the crisis in terms of the economy, occupation and future income (75.6%, 73.4% and 75.5% respectively). Among the positive aspects cited were efficiency of the development of digital competence and smart working, the efficiency of the national health service and family relationships.

All in all, Italian youth came out as resilient and optimistic with a surprising 64.6% believing that the crisis had had a positive impact on the country in general.

Info: Survey conducted by Ipsos s.r.l on behalf of the Institute Giuseppe Tonioli

(27-31 March 2020)


Posted on 27 May 2020 by Editor

The lost city of Pompeii will be one of the first Italian archaeological sites to re-open after the Coronavirus lockdown. For the moment, access will only be through the Amphitheatre Gate and itineraries will be restricted to certain areas, with one-way routes mapped out, in order to ensure visitor safety. Time slots will be designated for visitors, who will also be tested for possible covid symptoms at the entrance.

Posted on 22 May 2020 by Editor

As part of the “Stay Home” online cultural programme, the Italian Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MIBACT) is featuring a selection of the rare collection of antique maps from the Italian Touring Club archives. The 67 hand-drawn maps chosen cover a wide variety of topographical features, including mountain passes, transhumance sheep tracks, old travellers' routes, boundaries of past realms, like the Kingdom of Naples and the Territories of St. Peter and one unique map documenting agricultural products in various regions, complete with pictures of farm animals, orchards and vegetable cultivations.


Posted on 20 May 2020 by Editor

Nominated 7thin the list of Most Endangered Monuments of Europa Nostra, the magnificent Castle of Sammezzano (Tuscany) still languishes in a state of neglect, despite the efforts of the Save Sammezzano committee, set up in 2015 to acquire funds to restore the building and open it to the public. 

Posted on 15 May 2020 by Editor

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