Risultato immagine per slow food

The Slow Food organization has launched its new campaign: Our Food, Our Planet, Our Future, involving every aspect of its vast global network in 160 countries.

Posted on 10 Dec 2019 by Editor

Homepage - Università Roma Tre

An unusual exhibition of counterfeit works of art is on view in the foyer of the Aula Magna of the School of Letters, Philosophy and Languages of the Uni Tre University of Rome.

Posted on 06 Dec 2019 by Editor

Risultato immagine per teatro di ascoli piceno

This year's award ceremony organized by the Gruppo del Gusto (Wine & Food Group) of the Foreign Press Association in Italy, took place in the Marche Region on the 23rd - 24th November 2019 and involved both the city of Ascoli Piceno and the charming medieval borgo of Offida.

Posted on 02 Dec 2019 by Editor

Risultati immagini per transiberiano a natale

The Transiberiana d'Italia, a historic rail route that wends through some of central Italy's most spectacular scenery in the territories of the National Park of Abruzzo and Molise has programmed 22 vintage train rides for 2020.

Posted on 28 Nov 2019 by Editor

Raffaello Sanzio - Wikipedia

The Marche Regional government has chosen an unusual venue for the exhibition Raffaelo una Mostra Impossibile (Raphael, an Impossible Exhibition) that anticipates the commemorations for 500th anniversary of the death of the great Renaissance artist in 2020.

Posted on 24 Nov 2019 by Editor

Risultato immagine per venezia acquaaltaART BONUS FOR VENICE CHURCHES

Italy's Heritage and Fine Arts Minister, Dario Franceschini, has announced that he wishes the present Art Bonus incentives to be extended to include the historic churches of Venice, many of which have been badly damaged due to the recent flooding.

Posted on 20 Nov 2019 by Editor

Risultato immagine per la rocca castelsanpietro

The medieval village of Castel San Pietro, perched on a rock above Palestrina (Lazio), has been chosen as the winner of this year's contest for the (slightly pretentious) title of Most Beautiful Borgo of the Mediterranean.

Posted on 17 Nov 2019 by Editor

Risultati immagini per world's oldest ship black sea

The XXII edition of the increasingly important Borsa Mediterranea del Turismo Archeologico (Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Exchange) is scheduled to be held at Paestum between the 14 - 17 November 2019, with over 100 espositori and 25 countries booked up to attend.

Posted on 13 Nov 2019 by Editor

Risultato immagine per wine festival  merano

The world's finest wines will be competing for the prestigious WineHunter Award at this year's Merano WineFestival (9-11 November), South Tyrol. 

Posted on 09 Nov 2019 by Editor

Ciociaria Turismo – Al via il secondo weekend alla scoperta delle ...

The increased interest on the part of consumers for niche food products as opposed to mass brands is creating a new approach to the cultivation of basic crops like grain and legumes. 

Posted on 05 Nov 2019 by Editor

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