Risultati immagini per The Douja d'Or

The ten-day Douja d'Or wine and food show at Asti (Piedmont) runs between the 9th - 18th September 2016. The Douja d'Or award (the name refers to the traditional terracotta jug used locally to serve wine) is one of the most prestigious in Italy for DOC and DOCG wines.


Posted on 06 Sep 2016 by Editor

Risultati immagini per s.maria di Norcia


The Benedictine monks of the earthquake-shattered Umbria archidiocese of Spoleto-Norcia have set up a blog with information and updates on the situation in the area round Amatrice  Norcia, the  birthplace of St. Benedict, is well-known to the US Catholic communities as a group of American Benedictines re-founded the monastic community, which is also linked both to St. Francis of Assisi, in 2000.

Posted on 03 Sep 2016 by Editor

  Risultati immagini per buone vacanze estive

Posted on 31 Jul 2016 by Editor

 Risultati immagini per case nei borghi


According to recent market research, holiday homes in Italy's beautiful old borghi (historic towns

and town centres) are in increasing demand.

Bargains are to be got in the regions of Molise, Calabria and parts of Irpinia, where country houses can be found for around 500 per sq.m. 

Posted on 28 Jul 2016 by Editor

Risultati immagini per arezzo in costume


On the 29th - 31st July 2016, Arezzo (Tuscany) takes a time trip back into the past. Over 1000 costumed characters and 50 historical re-enactment groups will congregate in this beautifully preserved medieval town to recreate the Roman era, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.


Posted on 25 Jul 2016 by Editor

Timor-Leste marks 30 years since Pope John Paul II's visit ...

The town of Canale d'Agordo near Belluno (Veneto) is to inaugurate a museum dedicated to its most famous son, Albino Luciani, who was elected Pope John Paul 1 in August 1978. Although Luciani occupied the Throne of Peter for only one month before his unexpected death on the 28th September, he left a lasting impression because of his cheerful and benevolent disposition, that earned him the nickname of the Smiling Pope.


Posted on 22 Jul 2016 by Editor

Risultati immagini per ballo liscio sulla riviera romagnola


Grand night for ballroom dancers in the Romagna Riviera between the 21st - 23rd July 2016. The event involves all the seaside resorts on the Emilia Romagna coast, as well as the nearby inland towns.


Posted on 19 Jul 2016 by Editor

 Risultati immagini per Silk Factory of San Leucio, near Caserta


The historic Silk Factory of San Leucio, near Caserta, created by the 18th century Bourbon monarchs Ferdinand IV and Maria Carolina, is to be re-launched, with the backing of the Campania Regional government, as a consortium of manufacturers, geared to enter the global marketplace.

Posted on 16 Jul 2016 by Editor

Risultati immagini per acqua albule serate  jazz

Rome's most famous spa – the Acque Albule (White Waters) at Tivoli, has a lively entertainment programme to enliven the summer evenings until the 21st July 2016. Along Came Jazz is one of the most important jazz events in Italy, starring international and Italian artistes.


Posted on 13 Jul 2016 by Editor

Risultati immagini per fabrica di roma festa della pecora


Between the 15th -17th July 2016, the town of Fabrica di Roma, near Viterbo (Lazio) is hosting iuts annual Sheep Festival, where visitors can taste all the delectable products that derive from the useful Ovis aries species, such as sheep's cheese ricotta and other cheeses.


Posted on 10 Jul 2016 by Editor

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