With every good wish for a serene Christmas holiday 

and a  prosperous 2010 .

The writers and staff of Italyupdate.travel ..



Posted on 23 Dec 2009 by Editor

Arsita, Valfino al Canto, 11 agosto, suoni valle del Vomano - TG ...

The small Abruzzo town of Arsita (near Teramo), which was badly hit in the earthquake of April 2009, received a magnificent Christmas gift from the British bookmaker Stanley International Betting Ltd in the form of a brand new state-of-the-art primary school. ..

Posted on 22 Dec 2009 by Editor

Italian  Christmas gastronomic specialities are making a hit abroad, according to latest export figures published by Federalimentare (the Italian food producers federation).

Posted on 21 Dec 2009 by Editor

On the 18 th December 2009, the town of Assisi (Umbria) will host a meeting of over 20 small Italian towns to discuss the development of Alberghi diffusi in the various Italian regions.

Posted on 18 Dec 2009 by Editor

Civita d'Antino

Abruzzo writer and researcher Antonio Bini got a warm reception at the Danish Academy, Rome, when he presented his book The Italian Dream of Kristian Zahrtmann, documenting the story of the Scandinavian artists colony that lived in Civita D'Antino, near Avezzano (Abruzzo),  at the end of the 19 th and  early 20 th century. 

Posted on 15 Dec 2009 by Editor

Hurrah for the humble Neapolitan pizza! Italys most famous and ubiquitous gastronomic delight has now received official EU recognition as a Guaranteed Traditional Speciality.

Posted on 14 Dec 2009 by Editor

After a series of tests have been completed, scientists hope to be able to announce the finding of the lost Caravaggio. ...

Posted on 11 Dec 2009 by Editor

The Association Patriarchs of Nature in Italy has catalogued over 5000 ancient trees, familiarly known as atriarchs, growing on Italian soil....

Posted on 06 Dec 2009 by Editor

Il Giacchè di Casale Cento Corvi alla prova del tempo, di Andrea ...

The Cento Corvi wine estate of Cerveteri (Lazio) was recently given a special nomination by the Gruppo del Gusto (Gourmet Group) of the foreign press in Italy for reviving the ancient wine-making traditions of the Etruscans....

Posted on 02 Dec 2009 by Editor

Bolzano, la città dove si guadagna meglio


The Parkhotel Laurin, situated in the heart of Bolzano (Trentino-Alto Adige region), recently elected Historic Hotel of 2010 ...

Posted on 28 Nov 2009 by Editor

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