Museo di Roma, Palazzo Braschi


Over a hundred magnificent costumes for stage and screen by Italian designers can be admired in an exhibition staged at the Museum of Rome Palazzo Braschi. Among those are a number of creations by recent Oscar winner costumist Milena Canorero (Grand Budapest Hotel), including the dazzling dresses made for Queen Marie Antionette in Sofia Coppola's production, which earned her her third statuette after Kubrick's Barry Lyndon and Hugh Hudson's Chariots of Fire.


Posted on 26 Feb 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per lazio e l'expo milano 2015


Lazio will be present at Milan EXPO 2015 with its own exhibition space showing off 100 gastronomic products unique to the region. The basket of products includes 26 wines, 14 types of cured meats and salami, 26 vegetables, fruits and legumes, 10 cheeses, 8 biscuits, breads and sweets, 4 olive oils and a mix of 12 other products, including mineral water.


Posted on 23 Feb 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per paestum archaeological prize

Interest was aroused in archaeology circles at the recent Milan International Tourism Fair (BIT), with the announcement that a prize for archaeological finds was to be presented at the XVIII Borsa Mediterranea del Turismo Archeologica  (Mediterranean Fair of Archaeological Tourism) programmed between the 29th October-1st November 2015 at Paestum (Campania).


Posted on 20 Feb 2015 by Editor

Risultati immagini per dolci di venezia e carnevale

Along with the celebrated Grand Ball and other spectacular events, MartedI˝ Grasso (Shrove Tuesday), the last day of the lavish Venice Carnival, ends in the Rialto area with a tribute to traditional Venetian carnival sweetmeats, where the Dolci Più Golosi del Mondo

Posted on 17 Feb 2015 by Editor

Buyer stranieri a caccia di arredi e antiquariato italiano - Il ...


5,361 antiquities  enough to fill a museum of their own ďż˝ have been returned to Italy from Switzerland. The objects are the result of years of tomb robbing, smuggling and illicit sales, master-minded by dealer Gianfranco Becchina from his headquarters in Basle, After a two-year legal battle Swiss courts have recognized the right of Italy to have the antiquities returned to the Italian state.


Posted on 14 Feb 2015 by Editor

Visitors to EXPO 2015 in Milan (1 May-31 October ) will have plenty to keep them occupied outside  as well as inside the Fair area. The Italian Ministry of Culture has drawn up a programme of 1,300 exhibitions, concerts, musical performances and events to choose from all over Italy.




Posted on 11 Feb 2015 by Editor


Residents in the historic area of Porta Pia, Rome, have been advised to brace themselves for the imminent invasion of Hollywood film crews shooting a dramatic sequence of the 24th movie in the James Bond saga. The cast of Spectre, the latest 007 adventure, will be hard at work between the 19th February-12th March 2015, in various location in Rome.

Posted on 08 Feb 2015 by Editor

Acqualagna (Marche), the self-styled Capital of Fresh Truffles All Year Round, gives vent to the Carnival spirit by tossing black truffles instead of sweets from the decorated floats that file through the town centre on the 15th February 2015.


Posted on 05 Feb 2015 by Editor

A welcome piece of news for wine lovers....the International Wine Academy of Rome (IWAR) is once more to be hosted in Il Palazzetto, situated at Piazza di Spagna, Rome. Between the 5th February -28th March 2015,

Posted on 02 Feb 2015 by Editor


The Museo della Calzatura Pietro Bertolini (Museum of Shoes) at Vigevano (Lombardia) celebrates a milestone event this year: the 60th anniversary of the high heel  one of fashion's favourite accessories. Vigevano has a very long tradition in shoe.making that stretches back over seven hundred years to 1392.

Posted on 30 Jan 2015 by Editor

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