A forgotten self-portrait by a 17th century woman artist has just been acquired by the Uffizi Gallery in Florence and will take its place among the self portraits of masters of the calibre of Raphael, Rembrandt, Luca Giordano. Delacroix and “moderns” like Marino Marini, Pellizza di Volpedo, Ai Weiwei, the London Endless and Gilbert & George.
Camilla Guerrieri (born 1628) was celebrated in her day as “the first woman court painter of the Medici family”, for whom she worked for twenty years. She was so highly appreciated that she was awarded a life pension when her leading patroness, Vittoria della Rovere, died.
The self-portrait is a mirror composition that had languished for years in the back of the show-room of a Florentine antique dealer who had been unable to sell it until the Uffizi stepped in.
Among Camilla's other works is “The Madonna with the Infant Jesus, St. Giovannino and St. Aldebrando” in the Diocese Gallery of Senigallia (Marche), which is due to re-open on the 23rd March 2024 after a twelve-year closure for repairs due to the damage caused by the devastating 2012 earthquake in Northern Italy.
The Uffizi itself has been undergoing an extensive re-organization project in order to display more of its vast collection of 1,600 self-portraits, that cover 6 centuries of art history.
Guerrieri is only one of many forgotten women artists of the Renaissance and Baroque periods, whose talent and worth are gradually being rediscovered.
The lavish bouquets presented to all the competitors in the recent SanRemo Song Contest, Italy's most popular annual media event, never fail to attract admiration. All of them were inspired by the floral contest held a couple of weeks before the Song Contest opening, under the slogan “Sanremo, the Flower of Liguria”.
The florists and designers of the Floral City had the choice of two categories: a formal bouquet inspired by the poetically named themes: “The Melody of the Sea” and “The Song of the Woodland.” Contestants had thirty minutes each to submit their designs and make up their compositions, using the supply of freshly cut anemones, roses, snapdragons, mimosa, poppies, buttercups, carnations, lilac, green and silver leaves and more, supplied by the many greenhouses and flower farms of the Ligurian Riviera. The winner had the honour of helping the team of floral designers prepare the bouquets for the Festival stars.
On the 24th March 2024 the flowers will again be out in force for the annual parade of spectacular flower covered floats for the Festival of the Goddess Flora, that dates back to 1904.
Info: Tel: +39.0184.5801
The reconstruction of the colossal statue of the Roman Emperor Constantine is set to be one of the new attractions for Holy Year 2025. Presented to the press on the 7th February, the 13m-high, 3-ton statue has been erected in the gardens of the Villa Caffarelli on the Capitol Hill in the heart of Rome, on the spot that archaeologists believe was the site of the ancient Temple of Jupiter dominating the Roman Forum.
The statue has been recreated by integrating seven surviving fragments of the original sculpture of the emperor, using the latest digital technology to gauge the exact measurements and details of the original in its entirety, and was intended, with its superhuman proportions, to strike awe in the hearts of all citizens visiting the Forum.
Constantine was the first Roman emperor to recognize the Christian religion. His mother, Saint Helena, according to tradition, visited the Holy Land, and brought back the Holy Staircase at St. John Lateran, as well as several relics of the crucifixion, which are still venerated by the faithful.
Info: Tel. 060608
As part of a widespread plan to combat climate change and air pollution, Italy has embarked on an extensive reforesting operation that includes “Parco Italia”, a project launched in 2021 by the Stefano Boeri Architect & Foundation to plant 22 million trees in 15 major Italian cities. The first batch of 15,000 trees have already been planted, with the support of 2 million euro from the Amazon company's Right Now Climate Fund. A further 35,000 trees are to be planted during 2024.
Meanwhile, Verona is spearheading a project in its territory: “a tree for every new born baby”, with the initial plantation of 1,300 trees.
Among the more novel projects, however, has been launched by the alpine town of Cuneo (Piedmont) where the Santa Croce Hospital has chosen to plant a grove of paulownia trees in its grounds. The paulownia, a native if China introduced into Europe around two hundred years ago for its decorative appeal, has been found to be a formidable natural air purifier and the most effective of all trees at absorbing smog and CO2.
Youtube: Paulownia per l'Ospedale di Cuneo
Finds excavated at Spina, the Etruscan nation's most important port on the Adriatic coast are now on show at the Villa Giulia National Etruscan Museum in Rome, after previous exhibitions at Comacchio and Ferrara, celebrating the centenary of the site's discovery.
A century ago Spina was thought to be a mere legend. It was buried in the mud and marshes of Comacchio, known as “Little Venice” for its network of waterways on the Po Delta. The delta is now a favourite haunt of birdwatchers.
Over 4000 tombs were discovered, many of them intact, and the rich variety of grave goods gave archaeologists a unique insight into the vast extension of trading links with the populations of the Mediterranean.
The Rome exhibition “Spina Etrusca a Villa Giulia. Un Grande Porto del Mediterranean” will run until 7th April 2024 at the Museo Nazionale Etrusco (ETRU).
Info: Tel. +39.06.3226571
This year's Venice Carnival is dedicated to its celebrated son Marco Polo, the intrepid explorer and the first recorded European who opened up the mysterious world of the Orient.
The event also celebrates the 700th anniversary of Marco's death, after he had returned safely to Venice and had written his fascinating travelogue, commonly called “The Million”.
Throughout the Carnival period (27th January - 13th February 2024), the call and campi of Venice and its satellite city Mestre will be transformed into a fabulous stage set recounting his journey, with the Darsena Grande, the historic dock at the Arsenal staging the special event “Terra Incognita” (Unknown Land – the Amazing Journey of Marco).
This year's Carnival also coincides with Chinese New Year (2nd - 13th February), so there will be dual celebrations in many parts of the city and the lagoon islands.
Info: Tel. +39.041.5939979
Archaeologists excavating in a recently unexplored area in the outskirts of the buried city of Pompeii have uncovered previously little known aspects of daily life in the 1st century AD.
Pompeii is celebrated for the magnificent wall paintings, fountains and gardens belonging to the rich upper classes, but not much had come to light that revealed the realities of the life of the less fortunate slave workers.
In 2021 digs started around the suburban villa of Civita Giuliana, uncovering a stable with the remains of a horse and a richly decorated parade chariot. However, what really fascinated archaeologists was the discovery of a couple of small rooms where the household slaves lived in bare and spartan conditions - in stark contrast to the luxury accommodation enjoyed by their owners. The solidification of the hot gas erupted from the volcano had preserved the outline of the furniture, the bed linen and household objects and thus enabled precise plaster cast reproductions to be made.
One of the most unexpected discoveries was the remains of two mice inside an amphora that had been stored under one of the beds, plus a black rat inside a clay jug where it had obviously been trying desperately to climb out. Although we know from ancient sources that rodents were present in Ancient Rome, the presence of three in one small room shows how common they must have been and casts new light on the hygienic standards and the spread of disease, despite the Romans' well-known penchant for baths.
Info: Tel. Infopoint +39.0818575347
The small town of Foiano della Chiana (Arezzo, Tuscany) launches its 485th Carnevale celebrations on the 28th January 2024 with the traditional parade of colossal floats wending their laborious way down the narrow medieval streets of the historic centre.
Foiano, in fact, claims to have the oldest pre-Lenten Carnival in Italy, on document since 1539. This year's theme is “Fantasy” and the four competing float creators will focus on fairytale themes and traditional Disney film characters. The winner will be announced by Re Giocondo (King of Merriment) at the concluding event on the 25th February which heralds in Lent and the end of all the fun. The 9000 inhabitants of the town all pitch in to help with the construction of the gigantic papier mache figures and Foiano, in fact, has a special school that teaches local children the art in order to carry on the long tradition. The floats will be paraded through the town every Sunday throughout February, accompanied by street entertainers, music, games, tricks and fireworks displays.
The little town of Foiano has an illustrious past dating back to the times of the Medici takeover. Its Town Hall dates from the 14th century and its churches are graced with works by prestigious artists of the renaissance period like Signorelli, Andrea della Robbia, Pomarancio and .Circignani.
Carnival Sundays: 28th Jan., 4th ,11th 18th 25th February 2024
Info: Tel. +39.0575.642100/+39.3395981439
A fascinating museum has just reopened on the previously neglected Celio Hill exhibiting a unique collection of archaeological remains that had been shut away and virtually forgotten for almost a century.
The Celio Hill is one of the fabled Seven Hills, situated between the Palatine and the Colosseum. It contained an Antiquarium (collection of antiquities), with a vast store of finds from excavations in the area during the 1890s. However, the building was undermined by work during the construction of the Metro A line and closed to visitors for security reasons in 1939. The area, which also included a botanical garden, also hosted the former Fascist Palestra di GIL (a Youth Sports and Cultural Centre) and the 1835 Casina dei Salvi coffee house.
The latter two buildings have now been restored and converted into museum and study areas. The Palestra di GIL has been re-named il Museo della Forma Urbis (known in English as the Severan Marble Plan), a 3rd century AD gigantic city map of Ancient Rome that was once fixed on the wall of the Temple of Peace in the Roman Forum area. Originally the map measured 235 sqm and was engraved on 150 marble panels. Only about a tenth of the original map has survived. These can now be seen, laid out in accordance with the plan recreated in 1748 by cartographer-engineer Giovanni Battista Nolli. on the pavement of the main hall of the museum.
The surrounding park has been transformed into an open air museum, strewn with archeological fragments of sculptures, cornices, inscriptions and tombstones, from the former Antiquarium.
The Archeological Park and Museum are open every day except Monday.
Info: Tel. 060608
The exhibition “Dacia the Last Frontier of the Roman World” offers a rare opportunity to admire the art wonders of ancient Dacia (region corresponding to much of modern Romania and Moldova) at the Museo Nazionale Romano in the Roman Baths of Diocletian and the nearby Palazzo Massimo Museum. Celebrating a double anniversary of bilateral relations between Italy and Romania, over 1000 art works have been loaned to Italy for the first time from museums in Romania and the Moldova Republic, giving a penetrating insight into the lifestyle, customs and artistry of the ancient peoples who transited and inhabited the region between the Black Sea and the Carpathian Mountains
Dacia was rich in gold, which was one of the reasons it was so coveted by the Romans, who conquered it in 101-106 AD under the Emperor Trajan. He celebrated his victory with the majestic sculptured Column that stands to this day beside the modern Piazza Venezia.
Objects in gold, in fact, feature significantly in the exhibition and include the celebrated golden helmet of Cotofenestri, dating from the 4th century BC, as well as gold bracelets, jewellery and shoulder clasps and golden caparison decorations for parade horses. Other arresting exhibits also include the bronze helmet surmounted by an eagle found in the tomb of a Celtic warrior at Ciumnesti, Transylvania, and the spectacular coiled snake sculpture of the serpent god Glykon of Tomis (Costantia), where the disgraced poet Ovid spent his last days in exile.
The underlying theme throughout the exhibition is the rich mixture of cultures created by the various peoples who settled in the area. Running till the 21st April 2024.
Info: Tel. +39.06.480201
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