The XIII Biennial of Architecture, directed by David Chipperfield, remains open in the Gardens of the Arsenal until the 25 November 2012. Entitled Common Ground, this edition aimed to create a unifying theme among participants.

Posted on 06 Nov 2012 by Editor

Mestre, near Venice, is holding a special exhibition entitled Il Paesaggio che Esiste (The Landscape that Exists) to honour the memory of the artist Vittorio Felisati, also known as the painter of joy.

Posted on 03 Nov 2012 by Editor

Fucacoste e Cocce Priatorje, l'antica tradizione di Orsara di ...

One of the oldest festivals in Europe, the spectacular Fucacoste & Cocce Priatorje (literally Bonfires & Heads from Purgatory) takes place in the small town of Orsara di Puglia,near Foggia (Apulia) on the 1 November every year.

Posted on 31 Oct 2012 by Editor

The Sistine Chapel ceiling, the masterpiece of Michelangelo Buonarotti, was unveiled by Pope Julius II on the 31 October, the eve of All Saints, 1512. To commemorate the fifth centenary of this extraordinary work, the present Pope, Benedict XVI, like his predecessor, will celebrate vespers in the chapel on the vigil of All Saints.


Posted on 29 Oct 2012 by Editor

Antinori a Bargino: la cantina che non c'è | Paola Bertoletti

Celebrated Tuscany wine producer, Marquis Piero Antinori, has inaugurated the familys new wine cellar at Bargino, near San Casciano Val di Pesa (Tuscany). The structure of the vast cellar has been inspired by Florentine Renaissance architecture, with three 75m-long naves to contain the 2.5 million bottles of classic Chianti wine produced by Antinori per annum.

Posted on 26 Oct 2012 by Editor

Giardino "Viaggio di Ritorno" - Arte contemporanea a Castiglione ...

A large art installation in the form of a whale has been set upon the Provincial road SP del Padule, which runs between Grosseto (Tuscany) and Castiglione della Pesciaia.

Posted on 23 Oct 2012 by Editor

Two ancient Roman ships, submerged in the sea off the Aegean coast of Turkey, were recently discovered by a team of Italian archaeologists, led by Eugenia Equini Schneider.

Posted on 20 Oct 2012 by Editor

Palace of Priors, Perugia, Umbria, Italy, Europe - YouTube

Until the 18 November, the Archbishop Palace of Arezzo, which is normally closed to the public, will be open to visitors  upon prior booking. The first floor rooms contain a gallery of paintings dating from the XV to the XIX century, as well as the notable cycle of 16 th century frescoes  by Arezzo artist Teofilo Torri.


Posted on 17 Oct 2012 by Editor

Fonderie Limone Turin | Spotted by Locals

The premises of the historic  Limone Foundry of Turin will be open to visitors until the 13 January 2013, offering a rare opportunity to view some of the results of just under a century of the output of one of the most successful Italian industries.


Posted on 14 Oct 2012 by Editor

The historic Italian chocolatier Fabbri from Bologna will offer guided tastings at its Fabbri 1905 stand  at this years edition of the Eurochocolate fair at Perugia (Umbria).  

Posted on 11 Oct 2012 by Editor

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