The city of Rome has launched a new car pooling service linked to users smartphones and tablets. Those wishing to share expenses on a car trip within the city territory can insert details of hours and itineraries on the relative website to find a suitable match.

The initiative is part of a project to try to cut down on traffic and pollution and can be found in the section viaggi condivisi (shared trips) on the website.



Posted on 27 Mar 2014 by Editor


Romes Botanical Garden will finish restoring five of its historic hothouses in time for the summer season. The garden extends over 12 hectares and dates in its present form to 1883, though it was founded much earlier as a medicinal herbal garden by Pope Nicola III at the end of the 13th century.  


Posted on 24 Mar 2014 by Editor



Carrara (Tuscany) is to hold the second edition of the Unified World Championship of Martail Arts and Combat Sports between the 29th October and the 2nd November 2014. 

Posted on 21 Mar 2014 by Editor

The celebrated Rome wine bar Splendor Parthenopes hosted a presentation of wines from twelve Molise cellars, promoted by the Movimento Turismo del Vino (Wine Tourism Movement), a non-profit association dedicated to developing tourism wine routes and vineyard visits all over Italy.


Posted on 18 Mar 2014 by Editor


The Ravello Festival renews its commitment to offer the best with its 2014 programme featuring top symphony orchestras and legendary jazz performers. Perched on a terrace high above the Amalfi coast, the Festival offers a unique scenic and musical experience under the stars from the 21st June to the 13th September 2014.




Posted on 15 Mar 2014 by Editor

La grande bellezza.JPG


Rome tour operators have lost no time in organizing Great Beauty tours, based on the places that feature in the Oscar-winning Italian film La Grande Bellezza. Apparently, there is already demand to visit little-known beauty spots in the Eternal city,  such as the Acqua Paolo Fountain on the Janiculum hill,  the Garden of the Oranges and the Villa del Priorato on the Aventine hill, the Park of the Aqueducts, the EUR monuments and Bramante Tempietto di San Pietro in Montonio.


Posted on 12 Mar 2014 by Editor


This year, for the first time, the Pontifical Gardens of Castelgandolfo will be opened regularly to the public. The gardens, which surround the traditional papal summer residence in the Alban Hills some 20 miles from Rome, are renowned for their beauty, although few visitors have had the privilege of seeing them in the past.


Posted on 09 Mar 2014 by Editor
Posted on 07 Mar 2014 by Editor


According to data published by the Italian Touring Club, bookings for spring breaks in Italy are up this year. In addition to the traditional “art cities”, other areas have been successful in attracting visitors through events, exhibitions and various initiatives.

Posted on 04 Mar 2014 by Editor
Posted on 01 Mar 2014 by Editor

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