In an exhibition in Rome between the 24th - 26th October, visitors can admire the craft products created by former drug addicts in the San Partignano recovery centre at Coriano, Rimini (Marche). The collection, entitled “Barrique, the Third Life of Wood”, is based on the re-use of old wine barrels from the San Patrignano Community wine cellar, converted and re-designed to make decorative articles and furniture.


Posted on 25 Oct 2014 by Editor


Eight months of controlling and analysizing samples of earth from the so-called Terra dei Fuochi (Land of Fire) have produced surprising and encouraging results. The Casertano area north east of Naples, infamous as an illegal dumping ground controlled by the local Camorra criminal organization, is not as polluted as previously feared.

Posted on 23 Oct 2014 by Editor



Against stiff competition from five other Italian cities, Matera (Basilicata) has won the bid to become European Capital of Culture for 2019. The jury, composed of thirteen members (six Italians and 7 of other nationalities) selected the City of Stones by seven votes to six.

Posted on 20 Oct 2014 by Editor

Cerveteri (Lazio), famed for its unique Etruscan burial ground, received a special gift to mark its tenth anniversary as a UNESCO World Heritage Site when Italy's special cultural heritage police  recovered the statue of a winged sphinx that had been stolen from the town museum in May 2014. The 160 kg sculpture, dating from the fourth century BC was hidden in a field, awaiting transportation abroad where it would have been sold on the illegal antiquities market.


Posted on 16 Oct 2014 by Editor

Pallanza frazione di Verbania (VCO): Interno della Chiesa della ...

 Culture vultures will be heading for the city of Vicenza (Veneto) this Christmas and after for an exciting series of exhibitions the city will be holding from the 24th December 2014 on until the 2nd June 2015. Christmas Eve will mark the opening of the special event: Tutankhamon Caravaggio Van Gogh  in the splendid venue of the Basilica  Palladiana, re-opened after restoration in October 2012.


Posted on 13 Oct 2014 by Editor


Perugia (Umbria) is hoping to bring home a double win this year with its two applications to become the 2017 European Youth Capital and the 2019 European Capital of Culture. A jewel of medieval architecture, famed for its Università degli Stranieri (University for Foreigners),

Posted on 10 Oct 2014 by Editor

Tolentino, alloggi di edilizia residenziale per i terremotati in ...

Tolentino (Marche), one of  most productive Made in Italy areas, is on show between the 16th -19th October 2014, where visitors can admire prestigious goods made by world-famous local brands names, such as Poltrona Frau divans, Nazareno Gabrielli leather goods,

Posted on 07 Oct 2014 by Editor



If you dream of a country retreat in one of Italy's tiny villages, the chance has now come up. The town councils of three minute hamlets are offering property for the nominal price of 1 (one euro) on condition that the new owners undertake to restructure the houses they purchase.


Posted on 04 Oct 2014 by Editor


You don't necessarily have to go miles out into the country to take part in the grape harvest in Italy. Some towns have flourishing vineyards right on their doorsteps. The vineyard Villa della Regina rises on an ex summer palace of the Savoy family overlooking the city of Turin.


Posted on 01 Oct 2014 by Editor


Ancient varieties of fruit trees that risk extinction have found salvation in the tree sanctuary at San Lorenzo di Lerchi near Città˝ di Castello (Umbria), where agriculturists Livio and Isabella Dalla Ragione have carefully gathered a collection of over 400 rare or vanishing trees.

After over thirty years of dedicated research, the orchard contains

Posted on 28 Sep 2014 by Editor

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