L'Isola del Cinema a Roma, sull'Isola Tiberina | Date 2019

The International Short Film Festival Urban Islands will be back this year on Tiber Island, Rome, screening this year's winning shorts during July 2013. The event, which has grown in popularity since it was introduced three years ago, is open to international film-makers from all over the world, in any language but with subtitles in either English or Italian.


Posted on 02 Jul 2013 by Editor

Urbino | Le 10 cose più importanti da fare e vedere a Urbino


The splendid renaissance city of Urbino (Marche) has announced its candidature as European Capital of Culture 2019. The official presentation was backed by an international promotional committee headed by Jack Lang, former Minister of Culture with the Mitterrand government, France, and included top personalities from the world of culture.


Posted on 29 Jun 2013 by Editor

Museo del cinema di Torino, calo di visitatori nel 2018: oltre ...


For the first time, visitors to Turin's celebrated Cinema Museum will be able to visit the hitherto closed interior of the dome of the monumental Mole Antonelliana, seat of the museum. Open to groups of 15 persons, the entire tour takes 60 minutes and includes the ascent on foot from the Meeting Point on the ground floor to the inter-space of the dome, with its network of girders and supports, to the panoramic terrace of the lantern.


Posted on 26 Jun 2013 by Editor


Biografia di Gian Carlo Menotti 


The historic Festival of Two Worlds, created by the late musician Giancarlo Menotti in 1958, opens this year on the 28 June 2013, starring world famous dancers Alessandra Ferri, Mikhail Baryshnikov and Willelm Dafoe, theatrical works by Pinter and Gombrowicz and conductor James Conlon directing the Philharmonic Orchestra della Scala.


Posted on 23 Jun 2013 by Editor

Bronzi di Riace: il mistero del terzo bronzo e la scomparsa di ... 



The Calabrian town of Riace, famous for the recovery of two magnificent ancient bronze statues from the sea bed, highlights the themes of migration, integration, environmental preservation and local culture in its annual Riaceln Festival (26-30 June 2013), now in its fourth edition.


Posted on 20 Jun 2013 by Editor

 Eataly verso i 500 milioni di ricavi, porte aperte a nuovi soci ...


Eataly, the showcase of  Italian gastronomy, is celebrating the first anniversary of the opening of its food palace in Rome, with a mega 10-day party that involves, among other events, an international Street Food party and a gigantic birthday cake.


Posted on 19 Jun 2013 by Editor


 Borgia - Wikipedia


Part of the third series of the highly successful TV Borgia saga is to be filmed in three castles of the ancient Duchy of Parma and Piacenza. Meanwhile, casting directors are looking for some 400 extras for crowd scenes, mostly men between 18 and 50, preferably with long hair and/or a beard.


Posted on 17 Jun 2013 by Editor


Musica in Castello 2019: 36 eventi e ospiti internazionali ...


Musica in Castello 2013 is the title given to a wide spectrum of musical events staged throughout the summer in palaces, noble villas and other historic venues in 20 municipalities spread over the provinces of Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia and Modena.


Posted on 14 Jun 2013 by Editor



Traffic congestion is one of the worst blights of Italy's art cities and local authorities have on the whole been slow to tackle the problem. There are, however, some happy exceptions. The splendidly preserved medieval town of Perugia (Umbria) began to introduce a courageous and revolutionary public transport system twenty years ago, starting with the construction of a series of underground escalators  tunelling down through the depths of the Paolina Castle rock and, in 2008, adding the Minimetro, a nifty monorail link between the Pian di Massiano plain and the town centre  some 160 mt. above.


Posted on 11 Jun 2013 by Editor



The somewhat oddly-named Caffeina Festival, now in its VII edition, lights up Viterbo's medieval San Pellegrino district between the 27 June-7 July 2013. The Festival attracts some 400,000 visitors each year, thanks to its rich calendar of 30 daily events that include readings by authors, open air debates, music and cinema.


Posted on 08 Jun 2013 by Editor

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